Monday, December 11, 2006

Frist’s Farewell Speech Advocates Bi-Partisan Approach

Below is an excerpt from outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s farewell speech on the Senate floor, his remarks on bi-partisan cooperation and “destructive partisanship” are refreshing.
"We are moving toward a body with a two-year vision, governing for the next election -- rather than a body with a 20-year vision. . . . I urge that we also consider what our work in this chamber is really all about. Is it about keeping the majority? Is it about red states versus blue states? Is it about lobbing attacks across the aisle? Is it about war rooms whose purpose is not to contrast ideas but to destroy? Or is it more?"

Click here to read the article "Upon Retiring, Frist Urges Senators to Work Together" from the Washington Post.

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