Thursday, May 21, 2009

Daily News Round-Up for May 21,2009

Boston Globe ( Boston , MA )
Former Secretary of State and Join Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Colin Powell (Ret.) commented on some criticisms of his party allegiance from other GOP stars last night before approximately 1,500 business leaders in Boston .

The Plum Line ( Washington , DC )
Dick Cheney's big national security speech at the American Enterprise Institute tomorrow is going to get wall-to-wall cable coverage - giving a major assist to those who hope that his speech will be seen as "dueling" with the one that Obama is planning to give on the same topic tomorrow.

Baltimore Sun ( Baltimore , MD )
The Republican National Committee approved a watered-down resolution Wednesday evening that called on President Barack Obama and the Democrats to stop "pushing our country towards socialism and government control."

Politico (Washington, D)
The House GOP is introducing a resolution calling for a bipartisan investigation into Pelosi's charges that the CIA misled her during a Sept. 2002 briefing on enhanced interrogation methods.

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